Welcome to Waterloo Rural Community Hospital

Our Mission

To establish a Health Care System that focuses on Non–Communicable Diseases (NCDs) while addressing prevalent communicable diseases in the region.

Our Vision

Provide quality and affordable health care through excellent customer services.

The medical staff and administration will maintain policies that honor each patient’s right to “Privacy” and to ensure that every patient and their family are treated with “RESPECT, DIGNITY and EMPATHY”.To educate each patient on their diagnosis and treatment plan. To ensure that hospital staff explains the type of service and the reasoning for each procedure being performed to all patients. That our medical and surgical staff obtain consent for all surgical procedures from the patient or their surrogate prior to performance of such procedure except in life threatening situations when a poor outcome is imminent without such procedure. That all patients are seen every three to six months for health maintenance. Such visits are to address risk factors associated with HYPERTENSION, DIABETES MELLITUS, HIGH CHOLESTEROAL, CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (HEART ATTACK) and STROKE.