Welcome to Waterloo Rural Community Hospital
Waterloo Community Rural Hospital specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of non-communicable diseases in Sierra Leone, particularly the rural community of Waterloo. We seek the best health for all the people of Sierra Leone. However, we focus on the most vulnerable citizens - the elderly in particular. Our geriatric doctors are board certified in internal medicine, and have received additional training and certification in geriatric medicine. Aging is a sad, but unavoidable part of life. It affects all people, regardless of race or income. The aging population of Sierra Leone, unfortunately, is even more vulnerable, due to lack of infrastructure support that many enjoy in other parts of the world, such as Medicaid and Mediacare in the U.S. Waterloo Rural Hospital's geriatric physicians are equipped to handle many of the health issues that frequently affect older adults, such as pain, falls, memory loss, incontinence (involuntary loss of urine), diabetes, heart disease, and medication side effects.